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NLP In Advertising

NLP in advertising and PR WHY DOES ADVERTISEMENT FOR WOMEN? Probably no advertising in the world would not have happened if there were only darkly suspicious men did not exist and delightfully-naive women. The reason is very simple. First, almost everything that is advertised for women and performed: pantyhose and pans, hats and liners, perfumes, irons, fur, mop … And that is designed specifically for men? Is that the way baldness but the well-known contraceptive. Secondly, a woman in itself a storehouse of valuable qualities, which can count only the creators of advertising.

First of all, advertising relies on force feminine imagination. And rightly expects. A woman can easily and happily identify themselves with the beauties on TV. And so ready as a long-legged girl walking in footwear, from which the 'foot resting ", as well as Cute ocharovashka, feel "a deep breath of fresh air ', just as irresistible blonde cruelly torturing themselves trainers. Advertising relies on a woman's curiosity.

And he also expects to correct. A woman is curious – really striking effect, whether for 'enough and half dose'? The woman is very interesting – do things in this 'unique steady taste'? A woman longs to immediately make that this little thing 'is inseparable, as is our love! ". Generally, only anglers nervous – bite or not bite, and advertising professionals worry – a woman probably bite on the hook for curiosity. Still relies on advertising woman's love. That is to say that the formula 'a woman likes ears' means love, not only to men but to all other surrounding objects.