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Measuring Instruments Fetal Heartbeat

The birth and development of the child in the world today is under the supervision of not only parents and relatives of people the child's mother, but also under the supervision of a consultative and preventive medicine and health care system. Many disease and pathology is becoming more important to prevent than to cure them later. Currently, it can make new prevention methods and modern equipment. Technology comes to the aid in the study diseases. The heartbeat of the fetus – is one indicator of its development. According to it, we can determine the viability of an unborn child. A change of heart can immediately show the occurrence of adverse situation.

That is why Modern doctors are trying to control the operation of the fetal heart during the entire course of pregnancy and even during the birth. Development of heart disease in the fetus is a very complicated process. Rudiment of the heart develops in 28-38 day pregnancy. Approximately 40-day appear first pulsing to reduce future cardiac muscle tissue, and by 9 weeks of pregnancy the heart is virtually complete internal body, how we see it, and it is composed of 2 atria and 2 ventricles. And this is the heart as an adult.

To assess heart rate and control over the entire fetal cardiac activity using ultrasound (ultrasonography), echocardiography (Echocardiography), auscultation (listening), fetal CTG (cardiotocography). But such methods and apparatus may not always be available to all mothers, moreover, often, all of the above surveys are stationary conditions. This may not always be convenient. Comes to the rescue of an autonomous vehicle for everyday use – fetal doppler (monitors) – Apparatus for monitoring fetal heartbeat. One such apparatus is Fetal Doppler AngelSounds. Simple and convenient device runs on batteries. This makes it possible to use it in virtually any environment and at any time. Wherever you are, at home or at the dacha, on nature, or in a working office, day or night, you can always remove yourself from the testimony of the instrument. The values of the instrument – Fetal Doppler AngelSounds – obtained by means of a harmless ultrasonic signals a very high sensitivity. This provides high accuracy readings. Said Doppler features an LED display for the data. To listen to the fetal heart should simply include a speaker device that goes in the kit. It is also possible to fix the movement of the fetus, if it occurred during the recording of sound heart. Includes proposed cable to connect to a PC for problems saving sessions apparatus. Thus, it can store enough information about the fetus that allows us to determine his state of health. These devices allow you to catch your testimony about the heart of the fetus at any time, and provides an opportunity not only prevent many diseases, but also enjoy the heartbeat of your baby. Every expectant mother will appreciate this first intimacy with her future child. After all, as well as your two hearts beating together, and your a small miracle waiting for his birth.