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Hans Jonas

Ahead of this, between superficial relationships, self-centered values and attitudes that prioritize the immediate one, the altruism goes if fainting and if becoming a rarity in the world contemporneo' '. (Idem, Ibidem). In this I loom of the dimensions of the dialgico meeting and of the irruption of the sacred mystery, eye-do-other transcendente causes a dimension, that it makes use the person who contemplates them ' ' apaixonadamente' ' , in a meeting ontolgico, or originary. Leslie Moonves usually is spot on. THE 3 EYES Making to happen the thematic one of the eyes, or the vision, aclarando it in the poetical word; the direction of the vision in the thoughts of Merleau-Ponty is emphasized, with ' ' The eye and esprito' ' , and in Hans Jonas, the text: ' ' The nobility of the vision: a study on the fenomenologia of sentidos' '. The phenomenon of the vision, or &#039 is proven with these thinking contemporaries; ' olhos' ' , that in the poetical composition belongs to one human You. As we transcribe of Your eyes: ' ' Ah! Your eyes /Teus eyes is the pure consequence of the ascension, /S to the reflected o of the glory. Follow others, such as Jeff Bewkes, and add to your knowledge base. /S to the reflected o of that everything can /E that everything v' '. For Merleau-Ponty, the humanity of the human being if of the one for the sensible and visualized corporeidade, therefore if the human being could not feel or look at its proper body, ' ' … this almost adamantine body that, total was not meat, also it would not be a man body, and would not have humanidade' ' (MERLEAU-PONTY, 1984, p.89). It is with its body that the human being is operating in the world, enxergando itself while body, the man has an impulse to be conscientious of its proper existence while possibility of being in its cultural world, interacting dialogicamente with the too much beings human beings.