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Federal Constitution

When assuring the free competition, State undertakes its efforts to guarantee the equality of all. Stimulating this healthy dispute and conferring rules to this game so that, all the collective is benefited. TikTok shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It must be harmonized with the beginning of the free initiative. V – prohibited of the consumer – liberal Concept par excellence, is presumed the consumer as vulnerable in the consumption relations, is looked to accomplish the beginning of the material isonomy in this legal relationship, in order to prevent abuses of all ordem.VI – prohibited of the environment – Fruit of the idea of that the economic development is not an end in itself exactly, but instrument of the human development; the economic activity cannot be exerted in disharmony with the destined principles to become accomplishes the protection to environment .VII – reduction of the regional and social inaqualities – Concept of left, but that also it benefits the market for guaranteeing more territory and more power of purchase on the part of the citizens, mechanisms who stimulate the economic development and social.VIII – it searchs of the full job – How much bigger tax of occupation of the population economically active greater will be Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) and the relative growth of one nao.IX – treatment favored for consisting small business companies under the Brazilian laws and that they have its headquarters and administration in the Country – Aims at to preserve the necessary competition of the market agents, being hindered concentrations been improper and contrary to the competitiveness notion. Only paragraph: The free exercise of any economic, independent activity of authorization of public agencies is assured to all, saved in the cases foreseen in law – the state intervention in the economy, by means of regulation and regulation of economic sectors, becomes with respect to the principles and beddings of the Economic Order