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European Union

We are billions of people on this planet, is true, and the food chain has had to adapt to these changes. Most of us live in large cities, where we do not see even a span of cropland. Today day, large expanses of agricultural land and livestock have had to change, correct their growing habits and adapt in order to cater to the current social demand. But all this has led us to suffer a great lack of nutrients that have been or are weakening our agencies or systems that maintain it. Everything has been or is being largely industrialized. They have been added has this process chemical fertilizers, chemical fertilizers (than non-organic), herbicides, pesticides, and a host of chemicals that our agencies do not recognize and which we also pollute intoxicating them, thereby producing alterations in our bodies and in many cases they become serious or very serious even to produce disease. Let’s add has this, excessive land exploitation, depriving them of the rest which deserves, which allows the Earth to regenerate and largely recover minerals and nutrients that contributes to plant or harvest sown. For this reason from Natural Medicine, we are currently required has understand, comprehend and apply the basic and elementary principles of nutrition.

I am in my query with many diagnosed cases of this or any other disease or pathology and what truly happens, the only thing that happens is that background there is poor nutrition. Lacking bodies of essential nutrients, as in this case of the amino acids. How many and how many times in so many patients encounter that simply causing a detoxification of their bodies and by reinforcing their nutrition in these basic elements, such as amino acids, I have been able to contribute to the re-establishment of the symptom or pathology that Yes came patient suffering. This currently emerging in our so-called Syndrome Society of chemical pollution, disease that is produced by the high level of toxic substances that are in our lives and is already recognized as a disease in several countries of the European Union and other countries and Governments of the world.