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Ecotech Parking

Some of them are zealous owners , thereby saving the lion's share of vitamins and minerals. Mosquito nets, strung on a sloping frame, are an excellent device for Drying – nothing prevents air circulation needed for technology. A good solution would be to and use of this product to protect the reservoirs. With the onset of autumn leaf fall begins, the wind continually raises the dust and fine dirt. Mosquito nets, stretched over the water, protect water from pollution, with the onset of heat it with debris will be removed and a decorative pond avoid siltation and algal blooms.

Incidentally, this protection prevents water from freezing, which is especially important if it contains live fish. Walt Disney Co.: the source for more info. ii Lawn lattice 'Ecotech Parking' Everybody knows that the coverage of garden paths can be durable only if based on properly prepared. The ground track is appropriately treated soil, as well as the use of special materials: plastic mesh and geotextile. The plastic mesh is laid on the bottom trenches of the future track. Application of the grid reduces the amount of excavation, since it requires a smaller number of gravel and sand. Then poured a small layer of gravel and compacted. Rubble does not go into the ground, as stuck in grid cells.

Thus, the grid performs reinforcing function. On rubble spreads geotextiles – non-woven polyester fabric, the top – layer of sand. Geotextile to prevent mixing of sand and gravel, water is best relegated. Thus, geotextiles prevent stagnation of water on the track, heaving of soil during winter and prevents the growth of roots.