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Controlling – Innovation And Amortization

New only through innovation, in other words the future would be unthinkable without innovation innovative technology markets are once lost, it can be recaptured very difficult to get. Among other things, it’s about change management, decision technology, innovation management, life cycle analysis, portfolio tools, knowledge management, potential analysis, target cost, profitability, Cash Flow, capital budgeting. It is an outstanding task of management to remove factors which inhibit the innovation process, and to create conditions that favour it. Successful innovations are not only better, but also faster to the market and the customer. With the help of an innovation audit the status is determined, to assess the performance, to identify potential for improvement and to initiate targeted changes.

The development of new products, better processes or services requires the interaction of different disciplines and functional areas. This is an efficient Project management requires that makes the increasing complexity manageable and effectively supports the integration of knowledge between the disciplines. A wide range of other measures in the concept of the intellectual is treated with Becker, Jorg: intellectual and business planning, ISBN 9783837075649. The time is measured using the amortisation-payback calculation, which is necessary in order to recoup an investment, i.e. by the return flow of the cash to pay off. This is the amount of time that elapses until the recovery of the purchase of output from the revenue surplus of the project. If the cash return for each year is uniform, the payback period can be calculated by Division of the investment with the annual Cash flow. The case could occur due to the averaging, that a very short pay-off period is calculated for a project even though all single payment flows received only occur towards the end of the useful life.

Not only the absolute time of the recovery period is crucial for the assessment of the project in Years. This is in addition to the technical life expectancy or the planned duration of the project in relation to use. This results in the relative pay-off period as aussagefahigerer measure. The amortization calculation is used in practice for assessing an individual investment as well as to the alternative comparison. Individual projects can only determine whether the acquisition issue within the planned time of use can be recovered. Although still not calculated statement about the economy is possible. Such is thus obtained, that in practice often sector-specific experience have filtered out themselves, which indicate whether a project is regarded as economically, for example: the pay-off period may not exceed 50% of the planned time of use. For decision makers basic security goals, less precisely quantifiable income, in the foreground of the viewing stand with this type of account. Discusses a wide range of other measures in the concept of the knowledge balance at Becker, Jorg: intellectual and business planning, ISBN 9783837075649. Jorg Becker