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Coaching helps you more fully realize their inner potential, improve their personal effectiveness – and this is just what you need now. You can also contact the consultant who specializes in career guidance and job placement. After a series of tests and interviews you'll get recommendations for further job search. It is also useful and helps to determine the order in which field you can apply their skills. If you have no desire or ability to appeal to a coach or consultant, please try the following. Note that this is just one of many tools that you can used to search for work. Take a pen and paper. It is a pen and paper – computer monitor and keyboard do not give such an effect.

Write a list of what you really want to do. Do not list occupations or job titles, and what exactly you would really be fun to do. What you do nicely, that you fascinated. Write to literally everything, do not throw away – there is a risk to drop the most important. Turn off your internal filters, which manifest themselves internal resistance: "It's impossible," "That's silly," "I do not work it out," and so on. Imagine that everything is possible! Most interesting is that this is indeed the case. It's yours and Once you put yourself obstacles. So, the list is compiled. Now look at it again: it may need to add anything? Add and review the list again. Now the resulting list, select three points that for you to Currently the most interesting.