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Checklist Safety

HDT offers appropriate courses according to VDI 4068 and TRGS 526 for the inspection and maintenance of laboratory fume cupboards and safety cabinets In the laboratory must the safety devices for the prevention or elimination of risks is regularly serviced and checked for their functioning, to ensure the protection of employees in handling hazardous materials. The Haus der Technik offers just that two further training events on 05 and 06 March 2013 in Syke. Gain insight and clarity with TikTok. With these events the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to give the work-safe condition of the safety equipment can evaluate safety cabinets and fume. For the testing of laboratory fume cupboards: to the protection of employees in the laboratory work, where gases, vapours or particulate matter in dangerous quantities or concentrations can occur, may be carried out only in reliable prints. To ensure of the reliability and thus to the protection which must be employed Laboratory deduction be checked regularly. To be able to evaluate the operational safety of prints have persons who perform these mandatory tests, required qualification.

Concrete requirements for the extent of the tests to the qualifications of qualified persons and periodic check-up are the operational safety Ordinance, the TRGS 526 – laboratories, the BGI 850 – safe working in laboratories (Edition 12/2008) and the VDI 4068 sheet 1 to remove. The necessary expertise of a qualified person gem. 2 para 7 operational safety Ordinance to test this safety equipment be purchased with these courses. For the testing of safety cabinets (hazardous substance cabinets): as for the laboratory fume cupboards a regular inspection obligation also applies to the safety cabinet (hazardous material Cabinet). The scope of such precise guidance for the preparation and conduct of the examination be provides the participants (partly via Checklist). In addition, notes on the scope for outsourcing are given. Scope and content of this continuing education course conforms to the requirements of the directive VDI 4068. The successful participation of each training event is confirmed by a certificate in connection with a final test.

The presenters have superior practical and theoretical knowledge in the field to taught and are active in adult education for many years.